Thursday, July 9, 2009

A New Start

YAY! Mikell and I are married and have moved to El Paso, Texas!!! CRAZY!

We moved in yesterday in the blistering heat and I am so happy to have it practically finished. We are super lucky to have so many people support us while we are out here - our apartment is starting to feel like a home!! Mikell went back to work today and I am here trying to finish some cleaning and organizing (obviously working hard haha).

After the apartment is put together I get to start studying once again - ugh. I have to take my TeXes test next Friday for my teaching certification. I need to brush up on my biology and physics before I take the test. Oh joy. And then for the job hunt - hopefully I'll be able to find a teaching job - keep that in your prayers.

I'll post some pics once the apt is finished :)

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